World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2022: Protecting Older People from Domestic Abuse

The United Nations designated 15th June as ‘World Elder Abuse Awareness Day’ as an occasion to recognise and highlight the issue of elder abuse in the world and for each country to vocalise its opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted upon some members of our older generations.

Elder abuse can take many forms though it is widely considered as being “a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.”  As well as financial abuse and neglect, this of course includes physical, emotional verbal and sexual abuse.

Many may view domestic abuse as something that primarily affects younger people or those with children. However just as many older people are affected by domestic abuse. These victims have may have suffered long-term abuse and often face more barriers in their help- seeking process.

Many older victims have lived through a generation where domestic abuse was not recognised or acknowledged, and many have suffered for decades in silence.  As a result, these victims may not be aware of the support and services that are available today.

Today, on #WEAAD22, we want to share Women’s Aid Belfast & Lisburn’s message that that support is available for victims of domestic abuse of any age and highlight that it’s never too late to seek help. We have shared below a wonderful article from Women’s Aid Belfast & Lisburn along with ‘Lisa’s Story’.

Should you require any further information on how to protect yourself against domestic abuse, contact us here.