Domestic Abuse App launched by Belfast Area Domestic & Sexual Violence Partnership


havenbelfastThe Belfast Area Domestic & Sexual Violence and Abuse Partnership have launched a domestic & sexual violence App, in conjunction with the PCSPS and Belfast Health & Social Care Trust.


The Belfast Area Domestic & Sexual Violence and Abuse Partnership is made up of agencies, organisations, groups and individuals, to include members of the legal profession, who share a common interest and purpose in improving services and support for victims of domestic violence.

On 27th November 2017, the Partnership launched their new domestic & sexual violence App, named ‘Haven: Belfast’ at an event at Belfast’s City Hall.

The App is free to download and is for anyone experiencing domestic and/or sexual violence within an intimate partner relationship and further provides information to various professionals who may come into contact with domestic abuse in the course of their work.

Life Law NI’s very own Karen Connolly  was involved in the Partnership’s Working Group for developing ‘Haven: Belfast’:-

“It has been a pleasure working with the Partnership on the development of ‘Haven: Belfast’.  The App provides an array of material on domestic violence, to include useful information on how to recognise the warning signs of an abusive relationship and where to go for support. 

There is information contained within the App of the various legal remedies a person has for gaining protection from an abusive relationship.   It will hopefully act as a useful tool for clients and legal professionals alike in tackling domestic abuse within our society”.

‘Haven: Belfast’ can be downloaded at the App store or on Google Play from today.

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